

一个叫 Eric Idle 的英国裔美国籍喜剧演员(卓别林也是英国裔美国籍喜剧演员,也和政府很不对付),因为在“干净频道”电台说了一个 F 打头的脏字,被罚款五千美刀。作为反击,他于2004年发表了这首致 FCC (美国联邦通信委员会)的歌,其间把那个带 F 的脏字重复了N遍。虽然主要针对的是起诉他的 FCC ,可也 把当今政要 F 了个遍(引用主席诗词这叫“粪土当年万户侯”)。这首歌也因此被全世界 George W. Bush 和共和党的反对者引用了一万遍呀一万遍。

全曲旋律流畅,曲调轻快,歌词通俗易懂:p 听来很是过瘾......

FCC Song

Here's a little number I wrote the other day while out duck hunting with a judge (quack!)

Fuck you very much the FCC
Fuck you very much for fining me
Five thousand bucks a fuck so I'm really out of luck
That's more than Heidi Fliess was charging me

So fuck you very much the FCC
For proving that free speech just isn't free
Clear Channel's a dear channel
So Howard Stern must go
Attorney General Ashcroft doesn't like strong words and so
He's charging twice as much as all the drugs for Rush Limbaugh
So fuck you all so very much

So fuck you very much dear Mr. Bush
For heroically sitting on your tush
For Halliburton, Enron, all the companies who fail
Let's send them a clear signal and stick Martha straight in jail
She's an uppity rich bitch and at least she isn't male
So fuck you all so very much

So fuck you dickhead Mr. Cheney too
Fuck you and fuck everything you do
Your pacemaker must be a fake
You haven't got a heart
As far as I'm concerned your just a pasty-faced old fart
And as for Condolezza she's an intellectual tart
So fuck you all so very much

So fuck you very much the EPA
For giving all Alaska's oil away
It really is a bummer
When I can't fill my Hummer
The ozone's a no-go zone now that Arnold's here to say
"Ze nuclear winter games are going to take place in L.A."
So fuck you all so very much

So what the planet fails
Let's save the great white males
And fuck you all so very much (quack!)

1 条评论:

匿名 说...

听完我的脑子里就剩下fuck you两个字了